Vienna Congress date 16 June, 2022 - 18 June, 2022 Download the programme213.38 KB Kristoffersson - Taxation of Companies in Financial and Economic Distress Luja - Taxation and Economic Distress Topical Report on State Aid Compliant Relief Within the EU Petruzzi and Padwalkar - Transfer Pricing in relation to Businesses in Economic and Financial Distress Ehrke-Rabel - Draft the VAT Treatment of Companies in Distress Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom William Byrnes EATLP Online Engagement Agenda EATLP General Assembly Minutes EATLP General Assembly 3 June 2021 EATLP budget 2022 EATLP summary financial statements 2021 EATLP financial statements 2021 Draft minutes EATLP General Assembly Dr hab. Adam Zalasinski - Cross border loss relief in the CJEUs case law current state of play Radim Boháč - Losses over time in Czechia ilipe Cerqueira Alves - Tax effects of impairment and waivers: Portugal Prof. Giuseppe Corasaniti - Tax effects of impairment and waivers Italian perspective G. Dedeurwaerder - Cross border losses suffered by companies in distress - French approach Dr Edgar Drozdowski - Tax reliefs in Poland Eleonor Kristoffersson - Taxation of companies in financial and economic distress Prof. dr. Sigrid Hemels - Tax effects of impairment and waivers: overall view Mats Höglund - Losses over time Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Hohenwarter-Mayr, LL.M. - Cross-border losses suffered by companies in distress Austrian group taxation Sabine Kanduth-Kristen - Taxation of companies in economic and financial distress Prof. Dr Raymond Luja - Topical Report on State Aid Guglielmo Maisto - Taxation of companies in economic and financial distress Prof. Dr. Marianne Malmgrén - Cross-border losses suffered by companies in distress Irma Mosquera Valderrama - The ability to pay principle and COVID19 measures Dr. R. Petruzzi & A. Padwalkar - Transfer Pricing in Relation to Businesses in Economic and Financial Distress Erik Röder - Losses over time, in restructurings and in take overs - Germany