Lisbon Congress book Corporate Income Tax Subjects Congress programme678.7 KB Austria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States G. Marino & P. Selicato - Tax neutrality between cit and non-cit subjects: Where do we stand? K. Cazals - Thematic report on atypical entities and the personal scope of the corporate income tax (CIT) J. Heinrich - Tax neutrality between CIT and non-CIT subhects: How to improve our systems? H. Vermeulen - Corporate income tax subjects - Investment structures J. v.d. Streek - Close companies and one-person companies vs. other kindsof companies R. Martini & E. Reimer - Corporate income tax subjects and EU harmonization Peeters - Which foreign entities need to be classified? H. Ordower - Tax neutrality between CIT and non-CIT subjects: how to improve our systems? S. Olsson - Non-resident entities and CIT Congress images