Rotterdam Congress book Taxation of Charities Kristoffersson - Taxation of Companies in Financial and Economic Distress Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom F. Amatucci - The income tax status of non profit entities and non profit activities R. Deblauwe, A. Biesmans, B. de Kroon & F. Sonneveldt - Gift and inheritance tax with regard to charities S. Hemels - The European foundation proposal H. Jochum - Deduction of gifts and contributions and other tax incentives in PIT and CIT for non-profit entities or activities O. Gjems-Onstad & P. Melz - NPOs (Charities) and VAT K. Savvaidou - Deduction of gifts and contributions G. Zizzo - The income tax status of non-profit entities and non-profit activities M. Soler Roch - Tax administration versus taxpayer: A new deal? PowerPoint slides - day 2 F. Amatucci - Formal requirements for tax exemption status of non profit entities S. Bokobo - The income tax status of investment and business activities supporting non-profit entities or non-profit activities: R. Deblauwe, A. Biesmans, B. de Kroon & F. Sonneveldt - Gift and Inheritance tax on charities S. Hemels - The European Foundation proposal H. Jochum - Deduction of gifts and contributions and other tax incentives in PIT and CIT for non-profit entities or activities O. Gjems-Onstad & P. Melz - NPOS (charities) and VAT E. Traversa - The impact of EU law and ECJ case law on cross-border non-profit activities Questionnaire - National reports Quesstionnaire - Thematic reports