Paris Congress programme25.49 KB Overview of discussion topics17.79 KB F. Vanistendael - General report A. Cordewener -The prohibitions of discrimination and restriction have both been intended to achieve a fully integrated ... M. Lehner - Fundamental freedoms and national soverignty in EU L. Hinnekens - EC perspectives for justifications of discriminatory and restrictive tax measures of meber states M. Gammie - The compatibility of "national tax principles of the member states" with a fully integrated market X. Oberson& T. Reitan - The impact of the prhibition of discrimination and restriction granted under EC treaty to non EU States D. Deak - Tax law implications for the eastern EU enlargement - The case of Hungary D. Daek - Tax law implications for the eastern EU enlargement - The harmonisation of Polish tax law with that of the EU Questionnaire for topic reports Questionnaire on the doctorate in tax law in EATLP member states D. Weber - The Bosal Holding case: Analysis and critique Marks & Spencer decision Questionnaire W. Schoen - International accounting standards - a "starting point" for a common European tax base