Applicants will be allowed to become a member under the following options:
- Article 5.1./2 first sentence (first limb) “specifically listed categories of professors”
- Article 5.1/2 first sentence (second limb) “distinction for other academics with equivalent functions”, evidence should be submitted of the equivalent teaching and supervising function *
- Article 5.1/2 second sentence (third limb) “researcher with high international reputation” *
The EATLP Executive Board carefully reviews all applications to EATLP (associate) membership duly backed up by the required documentation with a view to assessing whether such applications meet the requirements established by Article 5 EATLP AoA.
This memorandum provides guidance on what the EATLP Executive Board takes into account when considering applications under the second and third limbs of this article.
SECOND LIMB (i.e. second part of the first sentence)
This requirement consists of two blocks of cumulative conditions.
The first block requires ‘distinction’ and ‘equivalent academic function’.
A - Distinction
The level of distinction expected is likely to be met when the applicant meets at least one of the following four indicators:
- Membership of editorial and/or scientific boards of academic national or international law journals, which regularly include articles on tax law
- Non-occasional presentations of reports (as speaker) at academic conferences and seminars on tax law
- Authorship of national or international academic publications on tax law
- This criterion is met when the applicant satisfies at least one of the following four indicators:
- four articles on tax law published in national or international academic peer reviewed law
- four book chapters on tax law published with one or more major national or international academic publishers,
- any combination of four publications from those indicated under a) and b) above;
- two (single authored) books on tax law published with major national or international academic publishers or one such book plus two articles and/or chapters satisfying the description in a) or b) above
- Awardee of national or international competitive scientific research grants on tax law
B - Equivalent academic function
This condition requires teaching for a substantial part of a course or modules on tax law throughout an entire semester (24 hours minimum) for a total of five (non-necessarily consecutive) years at one or more Universities in one or more countries.
The second block consists of the right to supervise a doctoral thesis in tax law.
THIRD LIMB (second sentence)
The applicant should be a tax researcher with international recognition.
For this purpose, the applicant should meet at least two of the criteria for distinction indicated under the second limb. Alternatively, tax law experts who have five-years (also non-consecutive) engagement as teaching or research staff at one or more scientific research institution(s) in one or more countries can be considered under this limb if their research output has had a significant impact on tax law.
Articles of Association - Article 5
- Membership of the Association shall be open to individuals who bear the title of ordinary, extra-ordinary, associate, honorary or retired professor of tax law, and other individuals who have achieved distinction in the field of tax law and fulfil an equivalent academic function in teaching and supervising doctoral candidates at a University in a European country. In the case of a researcher of a high international reputation, the Executive Board with the consult of the Academic Committee may in the latter case make exceptions.
- Associate membership of the Association shall be open to individuals who bear the title of ordinary, extra-ordinary, associate, honorary or retired professor of tax law, and other individuals who have achieved distinction in the field of tax law and fulfil an equivalent academic function in teaching and supervising doctoral candidates at a University in a non-European country. In the case of a researcher of a high international reputation, the Executive Board with the consult of the Academic Committee may in the latter case make exceptions.
Please return this form and enclosures to
The EATLP EB will discuss all applications at the next EB meeting, to check all criteria and for acknowledging the distinction.